Diretório de Associados
Real Estate activities
- All
- Agriculture, Fishing
- Associative Organisations
- Automotive
- Chemical Products
- Consultancy
- Constructions & Civil Works
- Education
- Energy
- Engineering, Architecture and Design
- Finance, Banking and Insurance
- Food and Beverages
- Furniture and Mattresses
- Health and Pharmaceuticals
- Internacional Organisations
- Legal Activities
- Machinery and Equipment
- Metal Products and Metalworking
- Natural Stones and Marbles
- Other Activities
- Paper
- Public Admnistration and Defence
- Real Estate activities
- Telecommunications
- Textile, Clothing and footwear
- Tourism
- Transportation and Logistics
- Wholesale and retail trade
- Wood and Cork

Adreta Plásticos, S.A.

Trading Name: Adreta Plásticos, S.A.
Address: Estrada de Mem Martins, 3
Postcode: 2725-109
Location: Mem Martins
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 219 266 500
Fax: (351) 219 211 199
E-mail: geral@adreta.com
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Real Estate activities
Services and Products: Plastic articles
Type of Activity: Exporter

Alberto Couto Alves, S.A.

Trading Name: Alberto Couto Alves, S.A.
Address: Av. dos Descobrimentos , Edf. Las Vegas III, 63
Postcode: 4760-011
Location: Vila Nova de Famalicão
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 252 308 250
Fax: (351) 252 313 694
E-mail: aca@grupo-aca.com
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Real Estate activities
Services and Products: Public Works and Civil Construction
Type of Activity: Services

Amorim Cork Insulation, S.A.

Trading Name: Amorim Cork Insulation, S.A.
Address: Rua de Meladas, 105
Postcode: 4535-186
Location: Mozelos VFR
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 227 419 100
Fax: (351) 227 419 101
E-mail: geral.aisol@amorim.com
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Real Estate activities
Services and Products: Isolation Cork
Type of Activity: Exporter

Bloco B – Mármores Inertes e Construction, Lda.

Trading Name: Bloco B - Mármores Inertes e Construction, Lda.
Address: Estrada Nacional nº 4 - Km 152, Sítio Courela dos Aléns
Postcode: 7100-011
Location: Arcos - Estremoz
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351)268848030; (351) 914 490 070
Fax: (351) 268 848 031
E-mail: info@bstone.pt
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Real Estate activities
Services and Products: Articles of marble and similar rocks
Type of Activity: Exporter

Carldora – Cofragens, Andaimes e Escoramentos, S.A.

Trading Name: Carldora - Cofragens, Andaimes e Escoramentos, S.A.
Address: Rua da Escola, nº 121, Eira-Velha, Colmeias
Postcode: 2420-205
Location: Leiria
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 244 720 700
Fax: (351) 244 720 709
E-mail: geral@carldora.com
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Real Estate activities
Services and Products: Formwork, scaffolding, shoring, etc..
Type of Activity: Manufacturer | Exporter

CMS – Tecnologia de Plásticos, S.A.

Trading Name: CMS - Tecnologia de Plásticos, S.A.
Address: Rua da Escola, nº 35-A, Pocariça, Apartado 52 - Maceira
Postcode: 2405-029
Location: Leiria
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 244 770 870
Fax: (351) 244 770 879
E-mail: geral@cms-plastics.com
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Real Estate activities
Services and Products: Chairs for stadiums
Type of Activity: Manufacturer | Exporter

Electro-Minho, Lda.

Trading Name: Electro-Minho, Lda.
Address: Rua Aurora do Lima nº 71
Postcode: 4900-516
Location: Viana do Castelo
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 258 806 300
Fax: (351) 258 806 311
E-mail: electrominho@electrominho.com
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Real Estate activities
Services and Products: Construction of transmission and distribution of electricity and telecommunications networks
Type of Activity: Services

FCM – Construções S.A.

Trading Name: FCM – Construções S.A.
Address: Av. Marquês de Pombal, nº 416 - Palmeiros
Postcode: 2715-067
Location: Pero Pinheiro
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 210 170 280
Fax: (351) 219 811 846
E-mail: geral@fcm.pt
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Real Estate activities
Services and Products: Buildings construction
Type of Activity: Services

Fearless Alphabet

Trading Name: Fearless Alphabet Lda
Address: Rua Sarmento de Beires 45 10C
Postcode: 1900-411
Location: Lisbon
Country: Portugal
Telephone: 932512243
E-mail: graca.ermida@fearless-alphabet.com
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Real Estate activities
Services and Products: Fearless Alphabet is a real estate agency and consultancy firm that advises clients worldwide on making sound investments in the Portuguese market. We identify, assess, and select business opportunities tailored to our customers' needs. Our practice spans all stages of a deal, helping investors achieve their goals. In investment advisory, we focus on helping investors make informed decisions by converting strategic goals into real and profitable business opportunities. Our procurement approach begins with collaborating with clients to define criteria, ensuring solutions align with their investment strategy. We assist property owners in selling their assets by identifying the right investors for each acquisition. This includes targeted property promotion informed by market studies and financial advice. Our services target the following sectors: Residential Development, Hospitality, Student and Senior Housing.
Type of Activity: Service provider

FTB – Fábrica da Barca, S.A.

Trading Name: FTB - Fábrica da Barca, S.A.
Address: Av. de Poldrães, 10 - Ap. 11 - Vila das Aves
Postcode: 4796-908
Location: Santo Tirso
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 252 820 980
Fax: (351) 252 820 989
E-mail: comercial@ftb.pt
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Real Estate activities
Services and Products: Sandwich Panels
Type of Activity: Manufacturer | Exporter

GONDY – Luís Gonçalo Silva Pereira

Trading Name: GONDY – Luís Gonçalo Silva Pereira
Address: Rua Irmãos Sousa, 7 - 1º F
Postcode: 4715-246
Location: Braga
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 911 546 080
E-mail: gondyservicos@gmail.com
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Real Estate activities
Services and Products: Marketing and manufacture of kitchen furniture, fitted wardrobes and contemporary and classic furniture
Type of Activity: Exporter

Grade Ribeiro, Lda.

Trading Name: Grade Ribeiro, Lda.
Address: Rua Tito Morais Lote D.1-Lj 2
Postcode: 1750-455
Location: Lisbon
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 218 473 959
Fax: (351) 218 474 064
E-mail: geral@graderibeiro.pt
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Real Estate activities
Services and Products: Water and Sanitation spply networks
Type of Activity: Services

Green Paint, Lda.

Trading Name: Green Paint, Lda.
Address: Rua Serafim Cruz, 743
Postcode: 4475-669
Location: Castelo da Maia
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 229 826 029
E-mail: info@ecopaint-portugal.pt
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Real Estate activities
Services and Products: Construction and other buildings finishing activities.
Type of Activity: Services

Isocor – Aglomerados de Cortiça, ACE

Trading Name: Isocor - Aglomerados de Cortiça, ACE
Address: Av. António Augusto Aguiar 17, 3º Esq.
Postcode: 1050-012
Location: Lisbon
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 213 527 191
Fax: (351) 213 537 196
E-mail: info@isocor.pt
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Real Estate activities
Services and Products: Wholesale and retail trade of raw cork
Type of Activity: Trader

Larus – Artigos para Construction e Equipamentos, Lda.

Trading Name: Larus - Artigos para Construction e Equipamentos, Lda.
Address: Vale de Mamoa, Apartado 100
Postcode: 3854-909
Location: Albergaria-a-Velha
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 234 520 600
Fax: (351) 234 520 609
E-mail: geral@larus.pt
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Real Estate activities
Services and Products: Manufacture of Urban Furniture
Type of Activity: Manufacturer | Exporter

Lena – Engenharia e Construções S.A.

Trading Name: Lena - Engenharia e Construções S.A.
Address: Quinta da Sardinha, Rua de Tomar, 80
Postcode: 2495-185
Location: Santa Catarina da Serra
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 244 749 100
Fax: (351) 244 749 110
E-mail: geral@lenaconstrucoes.pt
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Real Estate activities
Services and Products: Buildings construction
Type of Activity: Services

Lizmontagens EMTI, Lda.

Trading Name: Lizmontagens EMTI, Lda.
Address: Edifício Central Office, Av. D. João II, nº 45, Piso 3
Postcode: 1990-084
Location: Lisbon
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 218 429 270
Fax: (351) 218 409 412
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Real Estate activities
Services and Products: Other Specialised activities for construction
Type of Activity: Services

Mesmo Valor, S.A.

Trading Name: Mesmo Valor, S.A.
Address: Rua Pinheiro Manso 147; Av. Boavista, nº 280 – 5º
Postcode: 4100-4124050-113
Location: Porto
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 223 274 626
E-mail: geral.mesmovalor@gmail.com
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Real Estate activities
Services and Products: Real Estate activities Promotion and Capital Risk Fund (Golden Visa)
Type of Activity: Services

Multinordeste – Multifunções em Contrução e Engenharia, S.A.

Trading Name: Multinordeste - Multifunções em Contrução e Engenharia, S.A.
Address: Avenida do Sabor, Lote B R/c Dto.
Postcode: 5300-111
Location: Bragança
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 273 333 420
Fax: (351) 273 333 419
E-mail: geral@multinordeste.pt
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Real Estate activities
Services and Products: Building construction
Type of Activity: Services

NWT – New Terracotta

Trading Name: NWT - New Terracotta
Address: Polo Industrial Vale de Borregão
Postcode: 3450-097
Location: Marmeleira MRT
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 214 681 626
E-mail: info@newterracotta.com
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Real Estate activities
Services and Products: Design and manufactures of tiles (azulejos) and exclusive artesanal ceramics
Type of Activity: Exporter

Pinhoser – Indústria de Madeiras da Sertã, Lda.

Trading Name: Pinhoser - Indústria de Madeiras da Sertã, Lda.
Address: Apartado 25 - Cumeada
Postcode: 6101-909
Location: Sertã
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 274 600 170
Fax: (351) 274 600 179
E-mail: pinhoser@palser.pt
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Real Estate activities
Services and Products: Sawmilling
Type of Activity: Manufacturer | Exporter

Plimat – Plásticos Industriais Matos, S.A.

Trading Name: Plimat - Plásticos Industriais Matos, S.A.
Address: Rua da Alemanha, lt 35, Zona industrial
Postcode: 2430-959
Location: Marinha Grande
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 244 572 323
Fax: (351) 244 572 320
E-mail: plimat@plimat.pt
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Real Estate activities
Services and Products: Plastic plates, sheets, tubes and profiles
Type of Activity: Exporter

Porta XXI, S.A.

Trading Name: Porta XXI, S.A.
Address: Pq Industrial Adaúfe, Pav. S10 - Apartado 2020
Postcode: 4710-571
Location: Braga
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 253 670 242
Fax: (351) 253 628 357
E-mail: contactos@portaluxe.com.pt
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Real Estate activities
Services and Products: Doors, windows and joinery of metal
Type of Activity: Exporter

Prébuild, SGPS, S.A.

Trading Name: Prébuild, SGPS, S.A.
Address: Beloura Office Park, Edificio 13 - 1º piso
Postcode: 2710-693
Location: Sintra
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 219 242 976
Fax: (351) 219 244 518
E-mail: geral@prebuild.pt
Main Sector: Real Estate activities
Services and Products: Activities of holding companies of non-Finance, Banking and Insurance holdings
Type of Activity: Services

Premier Tech Water and Environment, Lda. (Ex-Premier Tech Iberoto, Lda.)

Trading Name: Premier Tech Water and Environment, Lda. (Ex-Premier Tech Iberoto, Lda.)
Address: Rua da Cerâmica, Broega
Postcode: 2870-502
Location: Montijo
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 211 926 720
Fax: (351) 211 926 729
E-mail: info.ptwe.po@premiertech.com; ptiberoto@premiertech.com
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Real Estate activities
Services and Products: Plastic articles
Type of Activity: Exporter

Primefix – Colas e Argamassas Técnicas, Lda.

Trading Name: Primefix - Colas e Argamassas Técnicas, Lda.
Address: Zona Industrial das Almas das Domingas, Aguim
Postcode: 3780-244
Location: Anadia
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 231 516 371
Fax: (351) 231 516 381
E-mail: info@primefix-technik.com
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Real Estate activities
Services and Products: Mortars
Type of Activity: Exporter

Tojalmar – Transformação de Mármores, Lda.

Trading Name: Tojalmar - Transformação de Mármores, Lda.
Address: Zona Industrial de Porto de Mós, Lote 5 A
Postcode: 2480-407
Location: Porto de Mós
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 244 491 090
Fax: (351) 244 491 028
E-mail: geral@splstone.com
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Real Estate activities
Services and Products: Portuguese company Specialised in the processing and commercialisation of a wide range of natural stone, used in construction and decoration of interiors.
Type of Activity: Manufacturer | Exporter

Umbelino Monteiro, S.A.

Trading Name: Umbelino Monteiro, S.A.
Address: Rua do Arieiro, nº 72
Postcode: 3105-222
Location: Meirinhas
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 236 949 000
Fax: (351) 236 949 049
E-mail: geral@umbelino.pt
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Real Estate activities
Services and Products: Production of tiles and ceramic accessories, commercialisation of tiles, fiber cement boards and accessories for coating
Type of Activity: Manufacturer | Exporter

Vanguard Properties

Trading Name: Vanguard Properties
Address: Edifício Fórum Tivoli, Avenida da Liberdade 180 A, 7º andar
Postcode: 1250-146
Location: Lisbon
Country: Portugal
Telephone: +351 215 814 094
E-mail: info@vangproperties.com
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Real Estate activities
Services and Products: Vanguard Properties - Inspired by Art, Designed for Living Fundada em 2017 por José Cardoso Botelho e Claude Berda, a Vanguard Properties tornou-se a maior promotora imobiliária a operar em Portugal nos segmentos premium e de luxo. Distinguida pela sua visão única e pela capacidade de transformar espaços em obras de arte vivas, a Vanguard Properties tem como propósito redefinir o conceito de viver, unindo conforto, estilo e funcionalidade a uma arquitetura que privilegia a beleza, a audácia e a arte. Atualmente, a empresa reúne no seu portfólio 22 projetos urbanos e turísticos, distribuídos por localizações privilegiadas em Lisboa, Oeiras, Algarve e Comporta. Estes projetos totalizam uma área bruta de construção de aproximadamente 1.027.781 m² acima do solo, representando um investimento superior a 1.215 milhões de euros. Em cada novo empreendimento, a Vanguard Properties eleva os padrões de qualidade, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento sustentável das comunidades onde se insere e tornando-se parte integrante da sua identidade. Cada projeto é concebido com uma atenção meticulosa aos detalhes, oferecendo uma experiência de vida excecional e potenciando o valor do investimento dos seus clientes. É esta dedicação, assente em excelência e paixão, que define o legado da Vanguard Properties.
Type of Activity: Gestão e promoção imobiliária

Vilaplano Construções, Lda.

Trading Name: Vilaplano Construções, Lda.
Address: Rua Manuel Boaventura, 19
Postcode: 4740-305
Location: Esposende
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 253 986 097
Fax: (351) 253 986 099
E-mail: geral@vilaplano.com
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Real Estate activities
Services and Products: Buildings construction
Type of Activity: Services