Saudi Arabia Portuguese Economic Council
12 Dezembro 2024

The Saudi Arabia Portugal Economic Council met electronically. The session was chaired by the President of the Saudi Portuguese Business Council, His Excellency Alwalid Albatan and the Portuguese side included the President of the CIP, Armindo Monteiro – who chairs the Portuguese delegation, the President of the Arab Portuguese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Luís Filipe Menezes and businessman Abílio Alagoa.

In a long and fruitful meeting, it was decided that the Saudi Council would visit Portugal in January 2025, and it was also decided to hold a broad embassy of Portuguese businesspeople to Saudi Arabia, under the coordination of CCIAP, next May.

The program for the visit to Portugal will be announced within a few weeks and registrations will be opened for the business embassy, ​​with a view to business prospecting, to be held in May with dates and program to be made public soon.