Diretório de Associados
Agriculture, Fishing
- All
- Agriculture, Fishing
- Associative Organisations
- Automotive
- Chemical Products
- Consultancy
- Constructions & Civil Works
- Education
- Energy
- Engineering, Architecture and Design
- Finance, Banking and Insurance
- Food and Beverages
- Furniture and Mattresses
- Health and Pharmaceuticals
- Internacional Organisations
- Legal Activities
- Machinery and Equipment
- Metal Products and Metalworking
- Natural Stones and Marbles
- Other Activities
- Paper
- Public Admnistration and Defence
- Real Estate activities
- Telecommunications
- Textile, Clothing and footwear
- Tourism
- Transportation and Logistics
- Wholesale and retail trade
- Wood and Cork

Agrolex II – Rações, Lda.

Trading Name: Agrolex II - Rações, Lda.
Address: Zona Industrial, Lote 30 - Apartado 51
Postcode: 2071-909
Location: Cartaxo
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 243 700 150
Fax: (351) 243 700 159
E-mail: geral@agrolex.pt
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Agriculture, Fishing
Services and Products: Food for farmed animals
Type of Activity: Exporter

Benevia – Consultadoria Empresarial – Unipessoal, Lda.

Trading Name: Benevia - Consultadoria Empresarial - Unipessoal, Lda.
Address: Rua dos Mareantes,54 - 5º C
Postcode: 2750-426
Location: Cascais
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 214 835 454
E-mail: info@benevia.pt
Main Sector: Agriculture, Fishing
Services and Products: Food trade
Type of Activity: Trader

Carob World Portugal, Lda.

Trading Name: Carob World Portugal, Lda.
Address: EN 125, Sítio do Rio Seco, Cx. Postal 200 B
Postcode: 8000-528
Location: Faro
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 289 112 327
E-mail: info@carobworld.com
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Agriculture, Fishing
Services and Products: Carob bars
Type of Activity: Producer | Exporter

Cister – Indústria de Produtos Alimentares, Lda.

Trading Name: Cister - Indústria de Produtos Alimentares, Lda.
Address: Zona Industrial do Casal da Areia, Apt 101
Postcode: 2461-601
Location: Alcobaça
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 262 505 340
Fax: (351) 262 597 522
E-mail: comercial@raimundomaia.com
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Agriculture, Fishing
Services and Products: Industrial processing of cereals, legumes and food products
Type of Activity: Producer | Exporter

Desfruta – Comércio de Frutas, Lda.

Trading Name: Desfruta - Comércio de Frutas, Lda.
Address: Parque Industrial de S. Miguel, Lote 9 - Apartado 60
Postcode: 3620-300
Location: Moimenta da Beira
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 254 520 042 / 3
Fax: (351) 254 520 044
E-mail: geral@desfruta.pt
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Agriculture, Fishing
Services and Products: Wholesale and retail trade and retail trade of fruit and vegetables
Type of Activity: Producer | Exporter

Dialéticabrangente – Sociedade Comercial, Lda.

Trading Name: Dialéticabrangente - Sociedade Comercial, Lda.
Address: Rua do Outeiro, nº 589
Postcode: 4475-150
Location: Gemunde
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 229 287 910
Fax: (351) 229 287 919
E-mail: duarte.faria@frulact.com
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Agriculture, Fishing
Services and Products: Unspecialised wholesale and retail trade of food products.
Type of Activity: Trader

Extrafrutas – Comércio de Frutas, Lda.

Trading Name: Extrafrutas - Comércio de Frutas, Lda.
Address: Quinta da Sardinheira - Freixofeira
Postcode: 2565-773
Location: Turcifal
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 261 951 167
E-mail: geral@extrafrutas.com
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Agriculture, Fishing
Services and Products: Wholesale and retail trade of fruit and vegetables, except potatoes
Type of Activity: Trader

Ferreira da Silva – Importação e Exportação, S.A.

Trading Name: Ferreira da Silva - Importação e Exportação, S.A.
Address: Vale da Murta
Postcode: 2560-048
Location: A-dos-Cunhados
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 261 980 350
Fax: (351) 261 980 369
E-mail: ferreiradasilva@ferreiradasilva.pt
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Agriculture, Fishing
Services and Products: Wholesale and retail trade of fruit and vegetables; Road freight transport
Type of Activity: Exporter

GoldenLevel, Lda.

Trading Name: GoldenLevel, Lda.
Address: Rua das Varandas, 32
Postcode: 7200-181
Location: Monsaraz
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 218 088 669
E-mail: info@goldenlevel.pt
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Agriculture, Fishing
Services and Products: Unspecialised wholesale and retail trade of food, Food and Beverages and tobacco.
Type of Activity: Trader

Granfer – Produtores de Frutas CRL

Trading Name: Granfer - Produtores de Frutas CRL
Address: Rua Principal, 167
Postcode: 2510-772
Location: Usseira
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 262 955 430
Fax: (351) 262 954 438
E-mail: granfer@granfer.pt
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Agriculture, Fishing
Services and Products: Wholesale and retail trade of fruit and vegetables, except potatoes
Type of Activity: Trader

Jóia do Campo – Comércio de Fruta, Lda.

Trading Name: Jóia do Campo – Comércio de Fruta, Lda.
Address: Praça D. João I, 10 2º Dto.
Postcode: 2700-248
Location: Amadora
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 214 910 617
E-mail: silvia@joiadocampo.com
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Agriculture, Fishing
Services and Products: Wholesale fruits and vegetables; Production of fruits and vegetables juices; Retail trade of fruits and vegetables in specialised stores; Preparation and conservation of fruits and vegetables for other processes.
Type of Activity: Producer | Exporter

Lusiteca – Transformação e Embalagem de Produtos Alimentares, S.A.R.L.

Trading Name: Lusiteca - Transformação e Embalagem de Produtos Alimentares, S.A.R.L.
Address: Rua das Vagens, nº 56, Apartado 18
Postcode: 2726-920
Location: Mem Martins
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 219 266 260
Fax: (351) 219 212 316
E-mail: info@lusiteca.pt
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Agriculture, Fishing
Services and Products: Processing and packaging of food products.
Type of Activity: Manufacturer | Exporter

Marinhave Sociedade Agro-Avícola, S.A.

Trading Name: Marinhave Sociedade Agro-Avícola, S.A.
Address: Herdade do Arneiro Grande, Apartado 1
Postcode: 2135-214
Location: Santo Estevão
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 263 930 000
Fax: (351) 263 930 009
E-mail: marinhave@marinhave.pt
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Agriculture, Fishing
Services and Products: Frozen ducks and derivatives
Type of Activity: Exporter

Monte das Louzeiras, Produção Agrícola, Lda.

Trading Name: Monte das Louzeiras, Produção Agrícola, Lda.
Address: Monte das Louzeiras, apartado 192
Postcode: 7830-512
Location: Vale de Vargo, Serpa
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 284 865 142
E-mail: geral@gota.pt
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Agriculture, Fishing
Services and Products: Specialised in the production and distribution of Olive Oil, vinegar, pri-pri and cosmetic products based on Olive Oil.
Type of Activity: Producer | Exporter

Nestlé Portugal

Trading Name: Nestlé Portugal
Address: Rua Alexandre Herculano, 8
Postcode: 2799-554
Location: Linda-a-Velha
Country: Portugal
Telephone: 800 203 591
E-mail: comunicacao.corporativa@pt.nestle.com
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Agriculture, Fishing
Services and Products: Production of food products
Type of Activity: Manufacturer | Exporter

Novarroz – Produtos Alimentares, S.A.

Trading Name: Novarroz - Produtos Alimentares, S.A.
Address: Rua da Moura, 43
Postcode: 3720-581
Location: Oliveira de Azeméis
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 256 690 010
Fax: (351) 256 690 011
E-mail: info@novarroz.pt
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Agriculture, Fishing
Services and Products: Production and export of high quality and diverse types of rice.
Type of Activity: Producer | Exporter

Nutriceal Foods, S.A.

Trading Name: Nutriceal Foods, S.A.
Address: Rua Vasco da Gama, 128
Postcode: 2130-190
Location: Benavente
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 214 835 454; (351) 263 519 300
E-mail: benevia.info@gmail.com; tania.pires@cerealto.com
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Agriculture, Fishing
Services and Products: Food Industry, commercialisation of Food Industry products and related activities.
Type of Activity: Producer | Exporter

Panicongelados Massas Congeladas, S.A. (PANIDOR)

Trading Name: Panicongelados Massas Congeladas, S.A. (PANIDOR)
Address: Travessa Outeiro dos cepos, 44 - Monte Redondo
Postcode: 2425-618
Location: Leiria
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 244 689 050
E-mail: geral@panidor.pt
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Agriculture, Fishing
Services and Products: Frozen Bakery and Pastry products
Type of Activity: Manufacturer | Exporter

Panificadora Marques Filipe, Lda,

Trading Name: Panificadora Marques Filipe, Lda,
Address: Rua do Freixieiro, nº 15 - Rexaldia
Postcode: 2350-078
Location: Torres Novas
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 249 790 518
Fax: (351) 249 790 873
E-mail: geral@marquesfilipe.com
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Agriculture, Fishing
Services and Products: Frozen bakery products
Type of Activity: Manufacturer | Exporter

Panike – Indústria de Produtos Alimentares Ultracongelados, S.A.

Trading Name: Panike - Indústria de Produtos Alimentares Ultracongelados, S.A.
Address: Rua de Leandro, Lote 5
Postcode: 4425-524
Location: S. Pedro de Fins
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 229 699 700
Fax: (351) 229 673 234
E-mail: panike@panike.pt
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Agriculture, Fishing
Services and Products: Production of frozen food products.
Type of Activity: Producer | Exporter

Sociedade Agrícola Quinta da Freiria, S.A.

Trading Name: Sociedade Agrícola Quinta da Freiria, S.A.
Address: Quinta da Freiria, Roliça, Bombarral
Postcode: 2540-671
Location: Leiria
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 262 609 000
Fax: (351) 262 606 143
E-mail: geral@pintovalouro.pt;freiria@mail.telepac.pt
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Agriculture, Fishing
Services and Products: Poultry
Type of Activity: Exporter

Sotrapex – Transportation and Logistics Rodoviários, Importação e Exportação de Cereais, Lda.

Trading Name: Sotrapex - Transportation and Logistics Rodoviários, Importação e Exportação de Cereais, Lda.
Address: Rua Rei Conquistador, nº 2, Casal do Rei
Postcode: 2500-739
Location: Vidais
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 243 909 780
Fax: (351) 243 909 789
E-mail: geral@sotrapex.pt
Main Sector: Agriculture, Fishing
Services and Products: Wholesale and retail trade of grain, seeds, legumes, oil seeds and other agricultural raw materials; trade in food products, cereals (except rice); road transport of goods
Type of Activity: Exporter

South Atlantic Capital, S.A.

Trading Name: South Atlantic Capital, S.A.
Address: Estrada Marginal Norte, Zona Industrial do Abalo
Postcode: 2520-605
Location: Peniche
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 262 241 500
E-mail: corporate@southatlantic.pt
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Agriculture, Fishing
Services and Products: Processing, preparation and conservation of fishery and aquaculture products into olive oil, other vegetable oils and other sauces.
Type of Activity: Producer | Exporter

Sugal Alimentos, S.A.

Trading Name: Sugal Alimentos, S.A.
Address: Fonte das Somas, Apartado 6
Postcode: 2130-901
Location: Benavente
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 263 500 501
Fax: (351) 263 500 599
E-mail: comercial@sugal-group.com
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Agriculture, Fishing
Services and Products: Tomato paste
Type of Activity: Producer | Exporter

Sutol – Indústrias Alimentares, Lda.

Trading Name: Sutol - Indústrias Alimentares, Lda.
Address: Herdade Moinho Ordem Cima
Postcode: 7580-316
Location: Alcácer do Sal
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 265 610 240
Fax: (351) 265 610 241
E-mail: geral@sutol.pt
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Agriculture, Fishing
Services and Products: Processing and preserving of fruit and vegetables by other processes
Type of Activity: Producer | Exporter