Diretório de Associados
Health and Pharmaceuticals
- All
- Agriculture, Fishing
- Associative Organisations
- Automotive
- Chemical Products
- Consultancy
- Constructions & Civil Works
- Education
- Energy
- Engineering, Architecture and Design
- Finance, Banking and Insurance
- Food and Beverages
- Furniture and Mattresses
- Health and Pharmaceuticals
- Internacional Organisations
- Legal Activities
- Machinery and Equipment
- Metal Products and Metalworking
- Natural Stones and Marbles
- Other Activities
- Paper
- Public Admnistration and Defence
- Real Estate activities
- Telecommunications
- Textile, Clothing and footwear
- Tourism
- Transportation and Logistics
- Wholesale and retail trade
- Wood and Cork

Bioceramed, S.A.

Trading Name: Bioceramed, S.A. (Ex Ceramed II - Cerâmicas para Aplicações Médicas, S.A.)
Address: Rua José Gomes Ferreira nº 1 - Armazém D
Postcode: 2660-360
Location: S.Julião do Tojal
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 211 912 986
E-mail: finance@bioceramed.com
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Health and Pharmaceuticals
Services and Products: Biomaterials for tissue regenaration
Type of Activity: Manufacturer | Exporter

Bluepharma Genéricos – Comércio de Medicamentos, S.A.

Trading Name: Bluepharma Genéricos - Comércio de Medicamentos, S.A.
Address: Rua da Bayer, S. Martinho do Bispo
Postcode: 3045-016
Location: Coimbra
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 239 800 300
Fax: (351) 239 800 333
E-mail: genericos@bluepharma.pt
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Health and Pharmaceuticals
Services and Products: Wholesale and retail trade of pharmaceutical products
Type of Activity: Trader

CETI – Centro Estudo E Tratamento Infertilidade Do Porto, Lda.

Trading Name: CETI - Centro Estudo E Tratamento Infertilidade Do Porto, Lda.
Address: Av. da Boavista, nº 2300 - 3º
Postcode: 4100-118
Location: Porto
Country: Portugal
E-mail: jlsilvacarvalho@gmail.com
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Health and Pharmaceuticals
Services and Products: Providers of health services and teachings in different areas.
Type of Activity: Services

Cmlgs, S.A. (Centro De Medicina Laboratorial Germano De Sousa)

Trading Name: Cmlgs, S.A. (Centro De Medicina Laboratorial Germano De Sousa)
Address: Rua Cupertino de Miranda, nº 9, Lt. 8 - Polo Tecnológico Lisboa
Postcode: 1600-513
Location: Lisbon
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 930 573 009
E-mail: sec.adm@germanodesousa.com
Main Sector: Health and Pharmaceuticals
Services and Products: Laboratory medical tests
Type of Activity: Services

Davide Agre, Unipessoal, Lda.

Trading Name: Davide Agre, Unipessoal, Lda. (Myagre)
Address: Rua Francisco Matos, 263
Postcode: 4935-649
Location: Viana do Castelo
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 935 020 060
E-mail: david@myagre.com
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Health and Pharmaceuticals
Services and Products: Food supplements and health products.
Type of Activity: Producer | Exporter

Farmodiética – Cosmética, Diética e Produtos Farmacêuticos, S.A

Trading Name: Farmodiética - Cosmética, Diética e Produtos Farmacêuticos, S.A.
Address: Centro Empresarial Penedo ParkEstrada Octávio Pato, Armazém F2, Bloco A
Postcode: 2785-723
Location: S. Domingos de Rana
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 214 269 720
Fax: (351) 214 269 729
E-mail: mail@farmodietica.com; al@advancispharma.com
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Health and Pharmaceuticals
Services and Products: Pharmaceutical and Food products
Type of Activity: Exporter

FHC Farmacêutica, Lda.

Trading Name: FHC Farmacêutica, Lda.
Address: Parque Industrial de Mortágua, Lote 2 - Apartado 45
Postcode: 3450-232
Location: Mortágua
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 231 927 510
Fax: (351) 231 927 520
E-mail: infor@fhc.pt
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Health and Pharmaceuticals
Services and Products: Wholesale and retail trade of pharmaceutical products
Type of Activity: Trader

Inovemed – Produtos Farmacêuticos, Lda.

Trading Name: Inovemed - Produtos Farmacêuticos, Lda.
Address: Av. 5 de Outubro, nº 151 – 5C
Postcode: 1050-053
Location: Lisbon
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 214 078 476 / (351) 910 492 908
E-mail: geral@inovemed.com
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Health and Pharmaceuticals
Services and Products: Wholesale and retail trade, representation, distribution, sale, import and export of medical substances, pharmaceuticals and medicines (subject and not subject to medical prescription including narcotics, immunological and blood derivatives), medical equipment and other health products . Participation in companies producing generic drugs and food supplements.
Type of Activity: Exporter

Inventis, S.A.

Trading Name: Inventis, S.A.
Address: Rua Barata Salgueiro, 37, 3º Esq.
Postcode: 1250-042
Location: Lisbon
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 219 247 660
E-mail: info@inventis.pt
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Health and Pharmaceuticals
Services and Products: Wholesale and retail trade distribution and marketing of medicines, food supplements and medical devices, for human and animal use
Type of Activity: Exporter

Laboratório Medinfar – Produtos Farmacêuticos, S.A.

Trading Name: Laboratório Medinfar - Produtos Farmacêuticos, S.A.
Address: Rua Manuel Ribeiro de Pavia, 1 - 1º, Venda Nova
Postcode: 2795-195
Location: Amadora
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 214 997 400
Fax: (351) 214 997 497
E-mail: medinfar@medinfar.pt
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Health and Pharmaceuticals
Services and Products: Manufacture and distribution of phamaceutical products, medicines, cosmetics and medical equipments.
Type of Activity: Manufacturer | Exporter

Laboratórios Azevedos – Indústria Farmacêutica, S.A.

Trading Name: Laboratórios Azevedos - Indústria Farmacêutica, S.A.
Address: Estrada da Quinta , 148 Manique de Baixo
Postcode: 2645-436
Location: Alcabideche
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 214 725 900
Fax: (351) 214 725 991
E-mail: mail@azevedos-sa.pt; administracao@azevedos-sa.pt
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Health and Pharmaceuticals
Services and Products: Pharmaceutical products
Type of Activity: Exporter

Laboratórios Basi – Indústria Farmacêutica, S.A.

Trading Name: Laboratórios Basi - Indústria Farmacêutica, S.A.
Address: Parque Industrial Manuel Lourenço Ferreira, Lote 15
Postcode: 3450-232
Location: Mortágua
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 231 920 250
Fax: (351) 213 921 055
E-mail: basi@basi.pt
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Health and Pharmaceuticals
Services and Products: LABORATÓRIOS BASI's mission is to develop, manufacture, market and globally distribute medicinal products and therapeutic solutions marked by the excellence of the European quality, supported by innovative technologies, in a competitive and flexible way.
Type of Activity: Exporter

Laboratórios Edol – Produtos Farmacêuticos, S.A.

Trading Name: Laboratórios Edol - Produtos Farmacêuticos, S.A.
Address: Rua Casal do Canas, 6
Postcode: 2790-204
Location: Carnaxide
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 214 158 130
Fax: (351) 214 158 131
E-mail: geral@edol.pt
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Health and Pharmaceuticals
Services and Products: Specialised in the development, manufacture and marketing of medicines, medical equipments, cosmetic products, body hygine and food supplements in the areas of ophtalmology, dermatology, otorhinolaryngology and dermocosmetics.
Type of Activity: Manufacturer | Exporter

Miosotis Health Program

Trading Name: Miosotis Health Program
Address: Qta do Lagar Branco; Galocha; Assumadas
Postcode: 7300-431 Portalegre
Location: Ribeira de Nisa
Country: Portugal
Telephone: +351961745421
E-mail: contact@miosotis.eu
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Health and Pharmaceuticals
Services and Products: Miosotis Program is the project of a health hub. The project, that we have already developed works in the area of health booking, obesity and weight loss, healthy tourism and healthy food. Miosótis Program is based on a healthcare booking platform that will provide services to the entire healthcare hub. The health hub will consist of two fundamental blocks. One of the blocks, Miosotis Healthy Food, aims to build a factory to produce healthy foods. The other block is a virtual hospital, to be developed based on the philosophy of the Seha Virtual Hospital in Saudi Arabia and composed by: a program of artificial inteligence to support clinical decision; a virtual telemonitoring program; a healthy life program; a healthy tourism program.
Type of Activity: Producer

Oasipor – Medicalwear, S.A.

Trading Name: Oasipor - Medicalwear, S.A.
Address: Rua 1º de Janeiro 535, Zona Industrial de RecezinhosRua do Campo Alegre, 1290 - 6º Esqº.
Postcode: 4560-8004150-174
Location: PenafielPorto
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 252 499 070
Fax: (351) 252 499 079
E-mail: geral@oasipor.pt;zeribeiro@oasipor.pt
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Health and Pharmaceuticals
Services and Products: Medical Devices - sterile surgical gowns, fields, backpacks surgeries, custom surgical packs, pack suits, protective gowns and patient
Type of Activity: Manufacturer | Exporter

Pharma Bavaria Internacional (PBI) Portugal, Unipessoal Lda.

Trading Name: Pharma Bavaria Internacional (PBI) Portugal, Unipessoal Lda.
Address: Viela da Beloura, nº 6, Loja 19
Postcode: 2710-693
Location: Sintra
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 214 682 905
Fax: (351) 214 682 905
E-mail: info@pharma-bavaria.com
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Health and Pharmaceuticals
Services and Products: Pharmaceutical Products
Type of Activity: Exporter

PROHS – Equipamento Hospitalar e Services Associados, S.A.

Trading Name: PROHS - Equipamento Hospitalar e Services Associados, S.A.
Address: Rua do Castanhal, 316, Zona Industrial Maia I, Sector II
Postcode: 4475-122
Location: Maia
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 229 059 170
E-mail: prohs@prohs.pt
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Health and Pharmaceuticals
Services and Products: PROHS manufactures medical devices in disinfection and sterilization area for the hospital and laboratory field. Namely, autoclaves, steam sterilizers and washer disinfectors.
Type of Activity: Exporter

Raclac, S.A.

Trading Name: Raclac, S.A.
Address: Rua de Ribela, Nº600 - Cruz
Postcode: 4770-170
Location: Vila Nova de Familiacão
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 252 916 497
E-mail: geral@raclac.pt
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Health and Pharmaceuticals
Services and Products: Disposable nitrile gloves
Type of Activity: Exporter


Address: Parque Empresarial Vialonga - Granja nº 25, Casal do Bagulho
Postcode: 2625-607
Location: Vialonga
Country: Portugal
Telephone: 219739120
E-mail: geral@sermail.pt
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Health and Pharmaceuticals
Services and Products: egulatory affairs, Pharma consulting, Third-party logistics, Transport and distribution, Supply chain management, digital solutions, Promotional materials
Type of Activity: Distributor/ Wholesaler

Tecnimede – Sociedade Tecnico-Medicinal, S.A.

Trading Name: Tecnimede - Sociedade Tecnico-Medicinal, S.A.
Address: Rua da Tapada Grande, 2 - Abrunheira
Postcode: 2710-089
Location: Sintra
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 210 414 100
Fax: (351) 219 410 839
E-mail: geral@tecnimede.com
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Health and Pharmaceuticals
Services and Products: Drugs
Type of Activity: Exporter

Zoopan – Produtos Pecuários, S.A.

Trading Name: Zoopan - Produtos Pecuários, S.A.
Address: Rua da Liberdade, 77
Postcode: 2050-023
Location: Aveiras de Baixo
Country: Portugal
Telephone: (351) 263 470 160
Fax: (351) 263 470 169
E-mail: geral@zoopan.com
Website: Visit
Main Sector: Health and Pharmaceuticals
Services and Products: Wholesale and retail trade of pharmaceutical products and animal care products
Type of Activity: Trader